Things I’d like to have known before I started university

cutmypicIt completely blows my mind to think that this time last year, I was about to start my first year at university. To anyone who is about to start and doesn’t quite believe people who say your first year will fly by – trust me, it will!

As I approach my second year, I have all the excitement I had before I started my first year, but without the nerves and trepidation. I felt so many mixed emotions before I started university, and I’d love it if I had a time machine so I could go back and tell myself a few things. Instead, I thought I’d get it out in a blog post – who knows, it may come in handy for anyone reading this who hasn’t yet started university. Continue reading

What to take to university – and what NOT to take!

cutmypicSo, you just got your results and you’re off to university. Now you’ve done the celebrating, it’s time to think about what you’d like to take. This can seem incredibly daunting – after all, this is probably the first time you’ve ever moved out! However, most people (including me) go in with an attitude as if they’re off to live on a desert island for three years and massively overpack. In this list, I’d like to tell you about some items you definitely should take to uni, and some items that you may be considering taking, but likely don’t need! Continue reading

The day before you get your A-level results

cutmypicThis time two years ago, I was a bit of a wreck. I was anxiously awaiting my A-level results, so I could see whether I’d gotten into my first choice university. I distinctly remember the wait for my results being really grueling, but I adopted some coping mechanisms to try and make it as pain-free as possible. So without further ado, here are my tips for trying to relax the day before you get your results…

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